
Bryon Price

Chair of the Board of the Facility Management Association of Australia and Strategic Development Director of A.G. Coombs Group

Bryon Price is a Mechanical Engineer with notable and long-standing experience in air conditioning and building services design, installation and maintenance, along with sustainable and energy efficient buildings. He is Strategic Development Director of the A.G. Coombs Group of companies and has been responsible for a wide range of building services, energy and environmental projects. These have included innovative and award-winning projects with major financial, commercial and retail organisations, and Commonwealth and State Government Departments.

Bryon is Chair of the Board of the Facility Management Association of Australia and Chair of the Association’s Knowledge and Advocacy Portfolio Groups. He is a long-standing member of the Board of the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heating – AIRAH, and a member of the Board of Australian Refrigeration and Building Services - ARBS.
