Xueli (Sherry) Jin
Director, IWBI China
Xueli (Sherry) Jin is a Senior Associate of Market Solutions at IWIB Asia, focusing Eastern Asia. International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI) is a public benefit corporation with a mission to improve human health and well-being through the built environment. IWBI administers the WELL Building Standard® (WELL), the world’s first building standard focused exclusively on human health and wellness. The WELL building certification program is an evidence-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring the performance of building features and other aspects of the built environments that impact the health and well-being of the people in the spaces we create.
As a Senior Associate based in Shanghai, her work in IWBI (Asia) focuses on technical support for Asian clients and projects. She works with all the stakeholders including developers, designers, consultants and even local standard compilation organizations to make sure WELL standard and policy execution are globally aligned and locally relevant. Moreover, she is also responsible for the professional development program in the team.
Before joining IWBI, Sherry had more than 4 years of experience in healthy and green building industry. She has worked on more than twenty green building projects, covering both new and existing facilities, ranging from high end offices, corporate headquarters, showroom, high-density residential to industrial campuses. Sherry specializes in areas of building performance analysis based on LEED/WELL/CGBL regulations. She also provides sustainable design consultancy in daylighting and energy for spectacular projects in China.
Sherry has a strong passion of WELL movement and sustainable development. She is also a WELL AP and LEED AP BD+C.