
Nicole Alfonsin

Senior Associate, Team APAC

As a public health practitioner, I have helped employers and health plans to leverage technology that boosts engagement in wellness programming and drive better outcomes while working in the SaaS start-up world. I also worked on research efforts to support transportation and land-use decision makers across the United States and Canada to better integrate health in community design efforts. I spent three months as an intern on the Standard Development team at IWBI in 2018 and served as an advisor on the Movement Advisory from 2020-2021 before joining IWBI full-time in 2021. Throughout my career, I have enjoyed bringing diverse audiences to the table for interdisciplinary projects and conversations about how to enhance health initiatives in buildings, organizations and communities.

My fascination with the science of health & well-being began while studying positive psychology as an undergraduate, which led me to find a passion for population health as a Graduate Assistant at George Washington University. I taught both undergraduate and graduate level exercise physiology courses, conducted metabolic and body composition testing and analysis for the general public, and served on faculty research regarding motivation for sport participation.

With a personal background in sport & exercise and academic training in positive psychology, exercise physiology and public health, I am especially drawn to the Movement concept within the WELL Building Standard and how it relates to other concepts, like Nourishment and Mind. That said, my favorite thing about WELL is that there is always a topic for me to explore and learn something new.

In my free time, you can find me on a walk with my two sisters, playing sports with my nieces and nephew, making a new playlist or listening to the newest Conan O’Brien or Dax podcast on Spotify, planning my next trip to the mountains, or on a run. I currently reside in my hometown of Kansas City, MO, where I serve on the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Healthy KC Steering Committee and lead the Business & Industry Sector for the Kansas City Physical Activity Plan.


Missouri, United States

  • WELL Faculty
  • Movement