
Allen Hershkowitz

Environmental Science Advisor

Dr. Allen Hershkowitz served as a Senior Scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) for 26 years (1988 – 2016). Currently, he serves as the Environmental Science Advisor to the New York Yankees. Hershkowitz serves on the Steering Committee of the UNFCCC Sports For Climate Action Framework, and is Co-Chairman of the UNFCCC’s Workgroup on Sustainable and Responsible Consumption. Other Advisory Board work includes the DuPont Corporation’s Bio-Based Fuels Life Cycle Assessment Advisory Board; the National Research Council Committee on the Health Effects of Waste Incineration; NYS DEC Commissioner’s Advisory Board on Operating Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators (Chairman); the EPA’s Science Advisory Board Subcommittee on Sludge Incineration; The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s Peer Review Panel for its Report to Congress on the Health Implications of Medical Waste; Aramark Corporation’s Sustainable Sourcing Advisory Panel, among others. Dr. Hershkowitz was Principal Contractor for the United States Congressional Office of Technology Assessment’s Report to Congress on Municipal Solid Waste Management, and served on the U.S. EPA’s Regulatory Negotiations on Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks at Synthetic and Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industries. He serves on the Advisory Board of the Wharton Business School’s International Global Environmental Leadership Program and is a Strategic Advisor to the International WELL Building Institute, the South Pole Group, the Sonoma County Center for Ag Sustainability Advisory Board, the Warner Music Group, AgBioEn, and other organizations.

Dr. Hershkowitz is the recipient of numerous awards from the US EPA, the AIA and others, including CCNY’s Distinguished Alumni Award, The Townsend Harris Medal.

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