Yoko Kawai-Kurimoto, PhD
Principal, Lecturer, Yale, Penguin Environmental Design
Yoko Kawai’s mission is to create “space for well-being” by utilizing Japanese spatial concepts. By being rooted in the ephemeral relationship between space/nature and human beings, these concepts potentially contribute to healthy minds and bodies of people worldwide. She advocates this value of Japanese concepts through research, education, and practice. As a member of IWBI’s Task Force on COVID-19, she contributed significantly to the mind and movement sections.
Yoko is principal of Penguin Environmental Design in Connecticut, which focuses on incorporating landscape into architecture. In 2016, Yoko co-founded Mirai Work Space Alliance in New York. There, she and her colleagues bring “Space for Well-Being” to contemporary workplaces.
Yoko has been a lecturer at the Yale School of Architecture since 2010. Her research encompasses Japanese spatial concepts, space for well-being, and ICT influence on cities and architecture. She currently focuses on spatial interventions to increase mindfulness at work. Her recent publication includes “Blurring the self/space boundary to increase mindfulness: perspectives from Japanese architectural philosophy, neuroscience and psychology” (Kawai, Dufanny & Garrison, 2018).
Yoko received a B.Eng. in Architecture from Kyoto University, an M.Arch. in Urban Design from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. from Kobe University.