Shigeru Urashima
Co-Chair of the Board at Green Building Japan
Shigeru Urashima as a LEED Fellow, WELL Faculty and Intel Corporate Services.
Regional Engineering Senior Staff Architect is focusing on development of
green initiative, energy management and sustainability/wellness improvement
for Intel sites mainly in Asia area. As a part of this scope Shigeru is guiding Intel internal LEED project teams in factories and offices at Malaysia, China, India, Vietnam, Israel, Japan and Costa Rica, in total over 10 projects as a LEED project owner in Intel in Asia area.
Shigeru is a Co-founder and Co-chair of the board of Green Building Japan (GBJ) with other 3 members from March 2013. GBJ is a member of LEED International Roundtable and an advisory organization to USGBC from Japan.
Before current role in Intel, Shigeru have been leading Programming & Design
in Architectural area for all major offices and factories in Asia region totally over three million square feet floors. Prior to joining Intel, Shigeru had worked as chief designer in a construction company, and also as a facility manager at Apple Japan operations and Morgan Stanley Tokyo. Shigeru has Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, Chiba University, Chiba Japan, and is a registered architect in Japan.
LEED AP from 2007
LEED AP BD+C from 2009
USGBC Faculty from 2012
LEED AP O+M from 2014
Final Nominee for 2014 USGBC Board of Directors International Seat
WELL AP from 2016
LEED Fellow from 2016
WELL Faculty 2017