
Evdoxia Giovannopoulou

President & Founder

Evdoxia Giovannopoulou, is the founder and president of revdesign, a design firm with a significant focus in environmental responsibility, founded in 2010. Prior to this role she had extensive experience in commercial, both private and public, and residential projects in London, UK, Athens, Greece, and throughout the United States. This provided experience in multiple environmental conditions with extremely different climate zones and project demands. Her studies in Interior design, Architecture and Building Science are reflected in the interest of developing beautiful spaces with a focus on health and function.

Working with Earth Friendly Products (EFP) to develop their environmental building strategy since 2010 she had the satisfaction of designing the upgrades to their manufacturing facility in IL, which became the first to achieve WELL Certification at the Platinum level in the Industrial Sector. As a WELL AP and a parent, she has also been working with her residential clients to insure healthy and safe environments for families and is passionate to push the WELL agenda into the residential sector as well.

As the leader of revdesign, she has pushed the philosophy that good design is the result of an integrated approach that responds to aesthetic concerns and environmental responsibility, and that the result of this approach certainly provides better spaces to inhabit.

