
Dawn Stockmo

Community Development Director

Dawn is currently the Community Development Director for the National Community Stabilization Trust (NCST) where she has been since 2009. Dawn is based in Chicago and travels throughout the country working with nonprofit housing groups, municipal, county and state officials, banks and the GSEs. Prior to NCST, Dawn was the Community Senior Director for the Fannie Mae Foundation, was the executive director of a comprehensive community development corporation in St Paul, MN, executive director of Helping Paws of MN and held positions in various other nonprofits and a community bank. She served on the Advisory Committee for the IL Attorney General’s settlement fund, was a board member for the Rondo Community Land Trust, and chair of the National Nonprofit Unemployment Trust and Nonprofits Mutual Risk Retention Group. Dawn has a MBA in nonprofit management and attended the Bank of America Leadership Academy in 2001. For fun, Dawn plays classical piano and weaves.