
Lidiane Narimoto

Senior Ergonomist

I am an experienced specialist in Human Factors and Ergonomics.

I hold a PhD (2015) and a Masters of Science (2012) both in Production Engineering focused on Ergonomics from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) Brazil. I graduated in Physical therapy (2009).

Part of my PhD research was conducted at the University of Queensland, Australia, within the Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre (MISHC).

Since 2010 I have been researching, teaching and developing consulting services as Ergonomist for various multinational companies, having experience in aeronautics (Embraer SA), automotive (Honda, Toyota, ZF), agriculture (sugarcane mills) and different manufacturing industries (Whirlpool Latin America, Duratex SA, Tigre-ADS.

I have deep experience in Ergonomics both in industrial and agricultural workplaces.

Author of scientific papers published in national and international journals specialized in Ergonomics.

Since 2010, I have been researching, teaching and developing consulting projects in HFE in Brazil, always using a human-centered perspective. Since 2019, I have been working as an overseas fellow for international consulting companies such as Viva Health at Work Australia, Dorhmann Consulting Australia, EWI Works Canada, Humanscale USA.