
Yasushi Kinoshita

Representative Member, Eminence Partners G.K.; Co-Chairperson, Green Building Japan (GBJ)

Yasushi Kinoshita is a seasoned real estate investment professional and Representative Member of Eminence Partners G.K., an investment advisory firm advising international institutional investors in the real estate industry. He’s served as co-chairperson of Green Building Japan (GBJ) since February 2021, a non-profit organization promoting green buildings in Japan. Mr. Kinoshita is also a member of IWBI’s Governance Council.

Before founding Eminence Partners, Mr. Kinoshita worked for international investment management firms and Japanese commercial banks, as well as invested over $10 billion in real estate-related ventures. As co-chair of GBJ, he is an active advocate of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment in real estate, delivering seminars and lectures on the topic.

Mr. Kinoshita graduated from Faculty of Law, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, and Cornell Law School with a master’s degree in Law. He is admitted to the bar of the State of New York, and a Fellow of Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, WELL AP, WELL Faculty and LEED AP O+M.

