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Enhancements to WELL

Your guide to the Q4 2024 addenda

The WELL Building Standard (WELL Standard) undergoes regular maintenance to ensure the rigor, feasibility and impact of the program. During this process, IWBI publishes changes that aim to clarify language, streamline the WELL program, enable projects to pursue novel pathways and more. The vast majority of changes made to the WELL Standard are intended to present language more clearly, based on feedback received from the WELL community. Occasionally, and often based on new evidence, we make more substantive adjustments to the program that impact the way that a feature is implemented, documented or evaluated.

We consider multiple streams of input when determining what changes to make to the WELL Standard. We learn from projects implementing the WELL program in spaces around the world; listen to input from IWBI advisors and working groups; stay abreast of evolving research, standards and best practices; and are in constant conversation with the WELL community to understand how the WELL program can be more rigorous, feasible and impactful.

This feedback is considered by IWBI’s Standard Development Team and, before changes are approved and incorporated, all proposals go through a rigorous internal review process.

You can find a detailed change log here.

Q4 2024 Addenda Overview

Scope reduced:

Eligible employees: We revised the glossary term to clarify that the minimum employment period required to receive benefits referenced in or associated with different WELL features may vary for each benefit. Project teams must still apply a consistent definition of who is considered to be an eligible employee (e.g., full- time staff, part-time staff and/or contractors) but now have more flexibility when applying their particular benefits to pursue applicable WELL features.

W03 Part 1: To create better alignment between the WELL Health-Safety Rating and WELL v2, we adjusted the requirements of Feature W02 in WELL v2. Specifically, we removed the requirement to conduct further testing for parameters found to be 80% or above their corresponding thresholds, thereby reducing the scope of testing required to earn this WELL v2 feature.

L01 Part 1: Since the WELL v2 pilot (launched in 2018), WELL requirements have specified a basic, minimum level of daylight (expressed as spatial daylight autonomy (sDA)). At the time, there was an accepted industry standard for the sDA leadership target. However, there was not an accepted industry standard for the sDA baseline threshold WELL feature L01 Part 1 filled this gap, rewarding projects for achieving sDA200,40% in more than 30% of the regularly occupied area – that is, more than 30% of the regularly occupied area receives at least 200 lux for at least 40% of occupied hours. The lighting industry’s LM-83-23 standard now includes a baseline daylight target, which is to achieve sDA150,50% – that is, at least 150 lux (slightly lower daylight level) for at least 50% of occupied hours (slightly more time). We updated the WELL threshold to align with the newly recognized standards. This also helps to simplify compliance calculations within modeling software.

L04 Part 1: We increased the threshold for unified glare rating (UGR) from 16 to 19, making the feature more feasible to achieve. Based on in-depth discussions with the Light Advisory and industry stakeholders, we determined that a UGR of 16 was too stringent. A UGR rating of 19 is both more feasible and maintains a high bar of leadership and rigor.

L08 Part 1: We aligned with the newest version of the reference standard (ANSI/IES TM-30), making one of the metrics for color quality slightly less stringent.

S02 Part 1: We changed the metric used to determine background noise levels in a space from the maximum sound pressure level (LMax) to the 90th percentile of sound pressure level (L10), maintaining rigor while making the feature easier to achieve and streamlining onsite testing processes. LMax is a highly sensitive metric and even small noise disruptions in a space can cause the onsite measurement to fail unnecessarily.

New pathways available:

Core Scoring: We expanded point-earning opportunities for core projects that do not have direct staff and/or non-leased space. These core projects can now achieve both the base point plus the additional point by implementing the core scope (requirements) as outlined for the additional point earning opportunity. This enables core projects with no direct staff and/or that are 100% leased space to earn the same amount of points as projects that do have direct staff and/or non-leased space. To activate in their scorecard, projects will select the base point and the additional point from the dropdown menu.

This quarter, we published 14 new alternative adherence pathways (AAPs). Notably, we published 2 AAPs for WELL Feature W03, which allows projects to earn this feature by contracting with either a certified or qualified Legionella Vendor. Certified vendors are accredited by relevant industry organizations such as LCA and CertLEGIO to develop and implement Legionella management plans. Qualified vendors are those who demonstrate relevant experience in developing and implementing Legionella management plans.

Beta strategies

A13 Part 2β Provide Clean Airflow Rates for Control of Infectious Aerosols: This beta part requires projects to have mechanical systems that can provide clean airflow rates for infection risk management.

X13β Fair Labor in Building Products: This beta feature requires the selection of building products from manufacturers that verify that fair labor practices are implemented at their manufacturing facilities and across their supply chains.

C13 Part 2β Support Inclusive Interior Navigation: This beta part requires projects to design primary circulation routes that include landmarks, amenities and seating areas.

C13 Part 3β Support Inclusive Building & Neighborhood Wayfinding: This beta part requires projects to provide building information in accessible formats, display neighborhood local amenities and provide sensory maps.

C21𝛽 Multisensory Design: This beta feature requires projects to facilitate a stakeholder charrette with a qualified neuro-inclusion professional, implement multisensory design strategies throughout the project and educate employees on neuro-inclusion.

Documentation change:

L02 Part 1: Based on updated onsite testing procedures in the WELL Performance Verification Guidebook, we no longer require project teams to overlay a grid on their floor plan as part of their documentation submission.

C05 Part 1: We reduced the scope of detail required within the Technical Document when working with a pre-approved survey provider. Specifically, projects no longer need to include information on survey modules or topics. Instead, they only need to provide the name of the WELL survey provider they are working with.

How can my project or organization use updated feature language?

If you’re looking to leverage newer language for a specific WELL feature, simply make a note in your documentation submission. To benefit from a more streamlined user experience and smoother documentation reviews, consider upgrading your entire account to a newer version. Explore our tutorial to get started or reach out to IWBI via your Support Tab in the WELL platform.

Want to learn more about these changes? Contact our support team via your Support Tab in the WELL platform. Customers who are not yet enrolled in WELL programs (WELL) may contact us by filling out this form.